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Charmed - Dating-advice-app

4.6 ( 8496 ratings )
ソーシャルネットワーキング ライフスタイル
開発者 Charmed Inc.

Charmed is a tool for dating app users and their friends. ANYONE can give advice with Charmed -- SINGLE OR IN A RELATIONSHIP!

Charmed syncs with your favorite dating app and lets your friends chime in on your conversations and matches. Friends suggest messages, which if accepted, get sent to Tinder, Bumble or Hinge!

On top of that, Charmed connects you with professional dating advisers FOR FREE that will get your convos back on track ASAP!


Not an­oth­er dat­ing app, Charmed is the dat­ing *ad­vice* app you nev­er knew you need­ed. You have matches but you still find the apps frus­trat­ing, isolating and ex­haust­ing.

Sound fa­mil­iar?

Well then meet Charmed. By in­te­grat­ing with pop­u­lar dat­ing apps like Tin­der, Hinge and Bum­ble, Charmed in­vites friends to weigh in on each oth­er’s matches and convos.

We get it. Some­times say­ing more than "hey!" is hard, es­pe­cial­ly when youre down on the apps. But you need to -- good con­ver­sa­tion has been proven to lead to good dates. Thats why you need Charmed.


Charmed is the first app that lets you share the convos you are having on the dating apps with your friends outside the dating apps. Users can re­quest ad­vice from friends, who can "sug­gest" replies to each oth­ers match­es. If those "sug­gestions" are ac­cept­ed, they are sent straight to the match on your fa­vorite dat­ing app. Yes, its kind of like magic.


On top of your friends, Charmed offers free, professional dating coaches at the push of a button. Beam in an expert and get the convo back on the rails FAST.


Lets face it – youre a to­tal catch! You know it. Your friends know it. Use Charmed to make sure your date knows it too!

Daz­zle, de­light, and charm match­es with the help of your friends!! Whether youre the re­la­tion­ship guru look­ing to help your friends or youre the one in need of some wit­ty con­ver­sa­tion starters, Charmed was made for you.

With Charmed, you can...

- Share your Tin­der match­es and their pro­files with your clos­est friends.
- Vet your friends match­es be­fore they go on a date.
- Sug­gest replies for your friends to keep the con­ver­sa­tions rolling.
- Up­vote and down­vote sug­gestions.
- Not into a match? Avoid ghost­ing and have friends ghost­write your break-up mes­sages!
- Ac­cept sug­gestions and have them sent straight to your match!

Down­load Charmed and get your friends the dates de­serve!